Home Automation




I love home automation. I have been using X-10 products to control the lights and appliances in my house since 1985.

I have used many different controls and methods of home automation over the years, all with varing degrees of success. I recently retired my Circuit Cellar HCS-II control system and replaced it with an Ocelot controller.

What I currently have up and running

  • All downstairs lights are controlled by X-10 switches or plugs
  • Upstairs, I most lights are working. I've prety much decided not to control the kid's rooms until they are older
  • I use several Leviton 6400 In-wall controllers at the front door, family room and in the master bedroom to initiatiate macros on the Ocelot (such as P1 ON means I am home so...turn on appropriate lights, turn on the stereo, etc)
  • I have just setup a 802.11b wireless network. I use a Casio Cassiopeia PocketPC with a compact flash 802.11b card to communicate with my home server via web pages. I currently have the web server setup to stream mp3 files to networked Audiotron music players around the house. Future plans are to add web support for controlling lighting via the Ocelot.


Home Automation and Related Links

these are very old and a lot are broken. I plan to replace them all soon.


Copyright (c) 1999-2002 Craig Colvin. All rights reserved.